Thursday, May 29, 2008

Home Water Filter Systems Choices

There is a variety of home water filter systems available for purchase. The type that is chosen will depend on a number of things. The budget should include the initial price including sales taxes. Installation fees, maintenance costs and any possible additional equipment should be included in the budget as well. If the home is small, space may be limited which means available options may be limited as well.

How long do the filters last or need to be replaced and at what price?

The capacity of the system, the amount of GPM-gallons per minute, will also affect available options and the price.

Faucet-mounted filters are easily attached to faucets and will purify the water as it comes from the tap. They are also called point of use filter systems. Most have replaceable filters or filter cartridges that can last up to months.

Whole-house filter systems are the ideal system. It is connected to the water supply as the point water enters the home. The water to the shower, bath, toilet, and all taps is purified. Whole-house systems may eliminate the need for shower or faucet-mounted systems. An added benefit to whole-house filters is since there are far fewer contaminants in the water, fewer of them can escape into the air to be inhaled or absorbed through the skin.

Shower filters purify only the water coming out of the shower. They install easily and attach to the shower head. There are filters for shower wands available as well. Showering with pure water will improve your skin and hair.

Drinking water filters can be any one of the previously mentioned systems. They can also be pitcher purifiers, individual use sport bottles, and straw filters. They require little to no installation and typically come with replaceable filter cartridges.

Countertop models are attached to the water supply. It is designed to sit on the countertop. It is not large, maybe about the size of a breadbox so if counter space is limited this might not be an option.

Under the sink or under the counter models are especially designed to be installed out of sight. They are larger than countertop models. They could take up lower cabinet space.
Other options might be considered.

John Collins is a content editor who focuses on a wide array of niche health topics. His latest website - Water Purification focuses on fresh pure water sources, and in particular, a natural water filter company our editors personally use with excellent health results known as - Natural Water Purification

Be sure to check out our water filters of choice, they are the water systems we use and recommend to friends and family, and have done for over 3 years.

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